środa, 24 maja 2017

8A - MINI GRAMMAR Have something done

They look up at Big Ben, and then they pose to have their photo taken.
- Use have (something) done when you get another person to do something for you.
I took a photo of Westminster Bridge = I took the photo myself.
I had my photo taken on Westminster Bridge = I asked somebody to take my photo.
- Have is the main verb so it changes according to the tense.
I’m going to have my hair cut tomorrow.
I had my car repaired after the accident.
- You can also use get instead of have, e.g. I’m going to get my hair cut tomorrow.

1. How often do you have your hair cut?
2. Have you ever had a problem with your laptop? Where did you have it repaired?
3. Do you usually have your passport or ID card renewed in plenty of time before it runs out?
4. Have you had a burglar alarm installed in your house or flat? What kind is it?
5. Have you ever had your photo taken in front of a famous monument? Where?

1 komentarz:

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