niedziela, 14 maja 2017

7B - Actors acting - READING & LISTENING

I think the writer called his book What Every Body is saying? because it is about body language, not about all people.
1. The man wasn’t being questioned one of the main suspects, because he had an alibi which was credible.
2. The agent asked him the question about four different murder weapons, because one of the weapons had actually been used in the crime, but the information about weapon had been kept from the public and only murderer knew which one. The agent wanted t observe his reaction.
3. When the agent mentioned the ice pick, the man’s eyelids came down hard, and stayed down until the next weapon was named. From that moment the man became the chief suspect.
4. He has caught many criminals in his 25-year career, because he can read people. In his book he teaches us how to decipher other people’s non-verbal behavior, and thus to enable us to interact with them more successfully.
5. He mentioned two kinds of signs, verbal and non-verbal, e.g. facial expressions, gestures.
6. Many of us have not learnt to spot because we haven’t been trained to look for them.

Meaning of the words from article:

suspect /'sʌspekt/– podejrzany
weapons /'wepən/ - broń
commit /kə'mɪt/ - popełnić
identify /aɪ'dentəfaɪ/ - rozpoznać
non-verbal /,nɒn-'vɜːbl/  - niewerbalny
sign /saɪn/ - znak
estimated /'estɪmeɪtɪd/ - szacowany
interaction/,ɪntər'ækʃən/ - komunikowanie się
through /θru:/ - poprzez
carefully /'keəfəli/ - ostrożnie
reply /rɪ'plaɪ/ - odpowiedź
consider /kən'sɪdə/ - rozważać, brać pod uwagę
major /'meɪʤə/ - główny
ice pick /aɪs pɪk/ - szpikulec do lodu
hammer /'hæmə/ - młotek
chief /tʃi:f/ - główny
confess /kən'fes/ - przyznać się
thus /ðʌs/ - w ten sposób
interact /,ɪntər'ækt/ - nawiązywać z kimś kontakt
basically /'beɪsɪkli/ - w zasadzie
facial expression /'feɪʃəl ɪk'sprɛʃən/ - wyraz twarzy
gesture /'ʤestʃə/ - gest
deeper /'di:pər/ - głębszy
meaning /'mi:nɪŋfəl/ - znaczący
complexity /kəm'pleksəti/ - złożoność

Paragraph 1
1. believable – credible (wiarygodny)
2. honest, not pretending – sincere (szczery)
3. continued in a determined way (verb) – press on (naciskać)
Paragraph 2
1. watched – observe (obserwować)
2. meaning (noun) – significance (znaczenie)
3. seen – witness (być świadkiem)
Paragraph 3
1. thought to be responsible for – credit with (przypisywać komuś coś, np. zasługi)
2. find the meaning of – decipher (rozwiązać)
3. make it possible for – enable (umożliwiać)
Paragraph 4
1. identify (rozpoznać) - spot (zauważyć)
2. succeed in getting – achieve (osiągać)
3. join together – combine (łączyć)

1. nervous - nerwowy
2. in a good mood – w dobrym humorze
3. relaxed – zrelaksowany
4. dominant – dominujący
5. insecure – niepewny
6. friendly and interested – przyjazny i zainteresowany
7. stressed – zestresowany

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