środa, 17 maja 2017


1. Minor illnesses and conditions
Ex. a
She has/She’s got…
9. a cough /kɒf/ - kaszleć
6. headache /'hedeɪk/ - ból głowy (earache, stomach ache, toothache, etc.)
1. a rash /ræʃ/ - wysypka
4. a temperature /'temprəʃə/ - temperature
2. sunburn /'sʌnbɜːn/ - oparzenie słoneczne
8. She’s being sick /She’s vomiting /'vɒmɪtɪŋ/ - jest jej niedovrze/ona wymiotuje
10. She’s sneezing /'sni:zɪŋ/ - ona kicha
3. Her ankle is swollen /'swəʊlən/ - jej kostka jest spuchnięta
7. Her back hurts /hɜːts/ /Her back aches /eɪks/ - jej plecy bola
5. Her finger is bleeding /'bli:dɪŋ/ - Jej palec krwawi

Ex. c
1 – B   He has a sore throat /sɔ:θrəʊt/ - boli go gardło
            I hurts when he talks or swallows food.
2 – D   He has diarrhoea /daɪə'rɪə/ - on ma biegunkę
            He’s been to the toilet five times this morning.
3 – E   He feels sick /'fɪ:lz sik/ - jest mu niedobrze
            He feels that he’s going to vomit.
4 – C   He’s fainted /'feɪntɪd/ - on zemdlał
            It’s so hot in the room that he’s lost consciousness.
5 – H   He has a blister /'blɪstə/ on his foot. – on ma pęcherze na nogach
            He’s been walking in uncomfortable shoes.
6 – F   He has a cold /ə kəʊld/. – on jest przeziębiony
            He’s sneezing a lot and he has a cough.
7 – A   He has a flu /flu:/. – on ma grypę
            He has a temperature and he aches all over.
8 – G   He feels dizzy /'dɪzi/ - on jest skołowany
            He feels that everything is spinning round.
9 – I    He’s cut himself /kʌt hɪm'self/ - on się skaleczył
            He’s bleeding.

Ex. a
1 – C   He’s unconscious /ʌn'kɒnʃəs/
            He’s breathing, but his eyes are closed and he can’t hear or feel anything.
2 – G   He’s had an allergic reaction /ə'lɜːʤɪk/.
            He was stung by a wasp and now he has a rash and has difficulty breathing.
3 – B   He twisted his ankle /'twɪstɪd/ / He’s sprained his ankle /spreɪnd/.
            He fell badly and now it’s swollen.
4 – D   He has high (low) blood pressure /'blʌd preʃə/.
            It’s 18 over 14 (or 180 over 140)
5 – E   He has food poisoning /'fu:d pɔɪzənɪŋ/.
            He ate some prawns that were off.
6 – F   He’s choking /tʃəʊkɪŋ/.
            He was eating a steak and a piece got stuck in his throat.
7 – A   He’s burnt himself /bɜːnt/
            He split some boiling water on himself.

Common treatments for…
a cut minor: put a plaster on it (AmE band aid) and antiseptic cream, major: have stitches
headaches – take painkillers
an infection – take antibiotics
a sprained ankle – put ice on it and bandage it
an allergic reaction – take antihistamine tablets or cream

Ex. a
Please lie down on the couch. I’m going to examine you.
I’d been standing for such a long time that I passed out, and when I came round I was lying on the floor.
It often takes a long time to get over flu.
A few minutes after drinking the liquid I had to run to the bathroom to throw up.

1. passed out – faint (lose consciousness)
2. lie down – put your body in a horizontal position
3. throw up – vomit, be sick
4. get over – get better/ recover from sth
5. come round – become conscious again

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