wtorek, 16 maja 2017

8A Beat the robbers... and the burglars - Reading

Ex. b
A. Illegal downloading of music is not necessarily bad for the music industry. In some ways it benefits it. (Nielegalne ściąganie muzyki niekoniecznie jest złe dla przemysłu muzycznego. W pewien sposób to przynosi im korzyść.)  
B. There is no way of stopping illegal downloading. We will just have to learn with it. (Nie ma możliwości, żeby powstrzymać ściąganie. My musimy nauczyć się z tym żyć.)
C. Illegal downloading music is the same as stealing it form a shop and it will ultimately harm the people who are committing the crime. (Nielegane ściaganie muzyki to to samo co kradzież jej ze sklepu i to będzie szkodziło ludziom, który popełnieją zbrodnię.)

Ex. c
1. People think that in the internet everything is for free.
2. People think that if the song is on a CD in shop, they must pay for it. In the internet they just download the song without paying for it. It is illogical because it is still the same song. They think that is not a crime.
3. The government proposed punishing illegal downloaders with internet disconnection, but a lobby group of artists and musician campaigned against it. They said, it reduce a people’s right.
4. She thinks that the downloaders should be punished, for example being banned from using the internet.
5. People think that they are fans because they listen to their idol music, but they don’t want to support him paying for his music.
6. People who download music will be losers in the long run, because of them many famous magazines have now closed. People who want to get a job in the music industry complain about the low salaries, while they download hundreds of pounds worth of the album for free.

Highlighted words
justifications /,ʤʌstəfə'keɪʃən/ - usprawiedliwienie
campaign /kæm'peɪn/ - prowadzić kampanię, walczyć
civil liberty /'sɪvəl 'lɪbərti:/ - swoboda obywatelska
banned /bænd/ - zakazany
have a right /hæv ə raɪt/  - mieć prawo

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